A day in the life of Security Officer K Jayaraj K Jayaraj usually begins his day around 9 am. But this October morning, an unexpected call prompts him to rush out the door an hour earlier. He tells his wife that there is an emergency and that their kids’ school is cancelled today. […]
Tag: COVID-19
‘People Come up with Labels, I Enjoy the Work I do’
Gagandeep Kang is an interdisciplinary researcher famed for her work on enteric infections. She was part of the teams responsible for the development of two Indian rotavirus vaccines, Rotavac and Rotasiil, and has worked extensively on viruses that cause different types of diarrheal diseases and on typhoid surveillance networks. She completed her MBBS in 1987, […]
Battling COVID-19, Wave after Wave
Developing COVID-19 solution hasn’t been easy for researchers working since the pandemic began, as well as for those who jumped into the foray recently When the country was rocked by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2021, oxygen conservation became a prime concern. As hospitals designated for COVID-19 became swamped, patients […]
‘The fact that my patients needed me kept me motivated’
Healthcare professionals across the world have been working relentlessly during the pandemic. With dozens of cases reported from IISc, Connect spoke to doctors at the Institute’s Health Centre about their experiences during these challenging times. What changes did the Health Centre have to make, in order to deal with the pandemic? Dr R Nirmala: […]
The Immune System Goes Viral
A look at the human body’s sophisticated immune response to viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and why its defences are sometimes breached A couple of weeks ago, 53-year old Prakash (not his real name) started complaining of shortness of breath. Not long after, he was diagnosed with COVID-19, the new infectious disease that has paralyzed the […]
Tracking the Scourge: Diagnostics, Testing and Vaccines for COVID-19
An in-depth look into biological tools and techniques being developed at IISc in the fight against COVID-19 As the country went into lockdown in March 2020, researchers at IISc turned their focus to joining the fight against the novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2. This article delves deep into ongoing research in diagnosing and testing for […]
Engineering Our Way Out of the COVID-19 Crisis
Research teams at IISc have been focusing on low-cost, scalable engineering solutions to back up a stressed healthcare system Early on during the global spread of COVID-19, from the experiences of countries like Spain and Italy, it was clear that healthcare systems would be under pressure. Severe symptoms in COVID-19 patients include difficulty in […]
Tech That, COVID-19
IISc researchers and industry partners have developed software tools driven by AI that can complement the healthcare system in fighting COVID-19 The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease we know as COVID-19, has kept us occupied through the first half of 2020. It is the first pandemic in a hundred years, affecting nearly every […]
The Pandemic and Mental Health at IISc
A look at some of the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown have affected the IISc community Abhishek Aggarwal arrived in Denver, Colorado, on 1 March to attend the American Physical Society March Meeting 2020 – an annual physics hub that sees around 10,000 delegates from all over the world attending scientific […]
Understanding COVID-19 Through the Lens of the Social Sciences
COVID-19 has brought upon us an extraordinary situation, throwing our lives into tumult. While the crisis is largely being reported and understood from the biological and epidemiological viewpoints, we tend to sideline the fact that it is essentially a watershed moment in human history. Connect spoke to scholars from the social sciences and humanities about […]