Excluding XX

The consequences of leaving females out of biological studies     Abha Khandelwal vividly remembers some of her unusual cardiac cases, a lot of them women. Like the 35-year-old woman who was watching her son play football when she suddenly felt nauseated. The mother brushed it off, wanting to stay and watch her son’s game. […]

Out of Bounds

Have we pushed the Earth beyond habitable conditions?   Twenty four years ago, Govindasamy Bala was a young physicist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the USA. He and his colleague, Ken Caldeira, were carrying out research using a comprehensive climate model. For the first time, they wanted to test an improbable and controversial […]

Live Long and Prosper

With a mushrooming elderly population, research on ageing is gathering steam   Among Greek myths, the tale of Tithonus is particularly tragic. Eos, the immortal goddess of dawn, fell in love with the mortal Tithonus, a prince of Troy. She begged Zeus, the ruler of Greek gods, to grant Tithonus eternal life, but forgot to […]

Up In The Air

IISc’s second campus at Challakere provides an ideal locale to study aerosols and their impact on climate   Travelling down the National Highway from Bangalore to Challakere in the Chitradurga district of Karnataka, and past the city limits, I noticed the air becoming fresher to breathe. Could it have been because of the reduced pollution, […]