Bias and Behaviour

Can animal studies be truly objective?     In the early 20th century, a horse in Berlin captured the world’s attention with its mathematical proficiency. When asked an arithmetic question, Hans, the horse, would start tapping his hooves and stop when he arrived at the correct number. This remarkable feat elevated Hans’ status to genius. […]

The Great Indian GaN

India needs the right technology and policy to realise a gallium nitride future     Harshada Ahire was caught off guard as she opened the door of the Power Electronics Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) at IISc, as I stepped into the large room. I was with Vinod John, Professor at EE, […]

Using maths models to understand inner workings of tuberculosis bacteria

Modelling Life

Maths is providing new ways to make sense of biology   In the early 2000s, a fierce debate was raging among health practitioners about when to start HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. The standard approach at the time was to delay treatment until the disease had progressed to a critical stage. However, emerging mathematical models […]

‘People think talking about mental health will make it worse. That’s not true’

Deanna Barch is a well-known figure in the field of psychiatry. She has spent over three decades studying the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying the development of mental illness, particularly schizophrenia and depression. While her research primarily focuses on adults, she also studies the risks of mental illness in children due to early adversity, such […]