What I Learned Meeting Rural Innovators in Odisha

Ramya, who has just finished her PhD from IISc, spent a week walking through Odisha villages on the ‘Shodh Yatra’, observing how local residents engage with science and tech The Shodh Yatra is a walk organised twice a year through rural India, aimed at unearthing and disseminating grassroots knowledge and innovations. Ever since I found […]

Urban Legend: Murthy, Bengaluru’s Keeper of the Tale

An IISc alumnus, KKS Murty spent many years as an engineer with HAL. Now he runs Select, a book store in Bangalore that enjoys the patronage of many bibliophiles A somewhat run-down, two-storey building tucked into a by-lane off Brigade Road, might not, under any other circumstances, merit a second glance. Its appearance, however, vastly […]

Day Cares on Campus

A closer look at the newly established play school on campus, and a crèche which is more than two decades old As I walk past the Canara Bank down the road lined by Gulmohar trees in IISc’s campus, a clamour suddenly interrupts the usually tranquil Institute. The sounds emanate from the IISc Employees’ Association Crèche. […]

‘A Teacher Is Someone Who Facilitates Learning’

What is the nature of science? How do we learn? How can we use storytelling to communicate science? These were some of the many questions that participants – graduate students, postdocs and faculty members – grappled with at a workshop titled Science Pedagogy and Communication held in IISc on 26 and 27 May 2017. The […]

Maths Department Hosts Annual Conference of Indian Women in Mathematics

“It’s not that women are not ready for science – society is not ready for women, but projects this onto them,” said renowned mathematician Sujatha Ramdorai at a recent panel discussion at IISc titled ‘Women in Mathematics: Perspectives from Science and Mathematics’. The panel was organised as part of the three-day annual conference of the […]

Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt and the Expansion of the Universe

When Schmidt found proof of accelerated expansion in the 1990s, he thought he had made a mistake Until recently, astrophysicists believed that gravity would slow down the expansion of the cosmos. This belief stemmed from the Newtonian understanding of gravity as a force of attraction: the falling apple and planets staying in orbit are standard […]

Having a ‘Green Open Day’ and Other Efforts Towards a Zero-Waste Campus

IISc Families and Friends (IFF) is a forum created to provide a platform for voluntary initiatives to work towards improving the quality of life for all those associated with IISc. A major endeavour of this organisation, started in early 2015, is to work for a “clean and green IISc”, which entails reusing and recycling all […]